Quality is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice!
Product Build Quality


Varatech Consulting for driving our clients Profitability and Competitiveness:

Many Manufacturers encounter periodic product Build Quality challenges. We provide quick response consulting to help our clients identify the source of the build variation and get their production line back on track and running at full speed again.

We also consult with clients dealing with long term and chronic Build Quality issues helping them finally understand the source of the Build variability and/or lack of capability with the design and/or manufacturing and assembly processes.  These issues typically deal with frequent Build Quality variations, excessive scrap, Supplier quality, lack of functional inspection measurements, cost cutting initiatives, product builds requiring excessive rework affecting production yield and product delivery times.  

We are also able to help our clients be more proactive for next generation products early in the Concept / Design phase. Typically after helping many clients put out fires, they get a better understanding of our “Design for Product Build Quality” DF-PBQ process and Sigmund capabilities. They  then choose to be more proactive by implementing our processes and Sigmund tools early on to evaluate their design concepts, optimizing and validating them before release to avoid Quality Build issues by making the design more robust up front!

Some clients choose to be trained, purchase, and deploy Sigmund products so that they are more independent and bring the skill sets in house and occasionally leaning on us to help on very challenging analysis and or with spikes/demand on their engineering resources. Other clients choose to leverage us to do more ongoing and sometimes on-site consulting during the product development process. In either case, we adapt to our clients specific needs and requirements.

In any of the above scenarios, Build Quality issues can have a severe effect on cost and bottom line profits as well as corporate or brand image impact with their customers. We can jump in and assist our clients with quick resolution with exceptional systems expertise and resources. Our goal is to always help our clients achieve world class quality with their products and at the same time help them have competitive advantages with their product cost.